300 Natoma St. Folsom, CA 95630

Spring 2025 Registration NOW OPEN! CLASSES START JANUARY 13th!

Initially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the shelter in place closed all schools, learning centers, and child care facilities. Since this time, schools have been able to open safely due to more scientific research on appropriate safety protocols for children in a classroom setting. We expect that schools/learning centers would remain open even if a future shelter in place were to occur. We as a learning center will maintain the utmost importance in health and safety for our staff, students, and families.
We expect the regulations would follow suit to what they have found is safe for children, and a health and safety plan would be in place for Wild Roots Learning Center. In compliance with regulations each class period will be no larger than 10 children per group and maintain a three-six foot social distancing in the case class has to be indoors as determined by the CA department public health department. These groups will be consistent and will be with the same lead teacher for every class. Children will still be leading with learning, community, and exploration, within the boundaries of any new health restrictions. It is our intention at WIld Roots to hold classes outdoors as we know this is the safest option for all.
We will be practicing a back door drop-off as well as pick-up. All adults will need to practice social distancing on the porch. Our hope is that families arrive only within 10 minutes of the start time of the class. Of course we will not turn anyone away but we will have a protocol to follow if your child is late. It will probably be a simple phone call to inform us that you are at the door and a teacher can come for your child. Staff will be thoroughly disinfecting materials and the environment, even more frequently than usual. We aren’t a fan of the manufactured cleaners so while children are present we plan to use thieves essential oil, alcohol and/or hydrogen peroxide as disinfectants. Our hand washing policy is going to be more thoroughly observed and executed. The classroom/materials will be disinfected following each and every class period.
Waterbottles can be kept in cubbies or with the child in their classroom. We will also have water stations indoors as well as outdoors with single use cups available for the children to have constant access to water.
If shelter in place does effect the learning center and we are forced to close for indoor class, we will look at alternative settings to still hold in person classes. This may take place in the yard, in a park, at the river, at the lake, etc where filtered air is not an issue, nor is social distancing. We can also quickly pivot to online classes if that is the absolute last resort.
Sick Policy: We are not licensed to care for ill children. Therefore, we are not equipped to handle a child if they become ill for a long period. This is not only for their well-being, but for the well-being of all our children, teachers, and parent volunteers. We will require children to be picked up within 30 minutes of parent or guardian being contacted. Any child experiencing the following symptoms at school will be sent home. We also ask that you keep children with these symptoms home until they are symptom free for 24 hours.
Contagious or unidentified skin or eye infections
Diarrhea and/or Vomiting
Profuse nasal discharge
Active cough subject to teacher’s discretion
Please notify the center if your child becomes infected with a contagious disease. We will notify families if there has been an exposure to serious illness.
COVID-19 MODIFICATION: Attendance with symptoms exhibited while the Corona virus is still a concern is up to the teacher's/director's discretion. If your child has allergies, please have a conversation with one of the directors, PRIOR to a symptomatic day. This will allow us to game plan for something that enables all parties to feel safe within the classroom. If there are concerns, we may check temperatures before they enter. Masks will be optional at this time, but if another wave were to hit, we would implement a mask policy. When children choose learning toys to play with, they will put them in a dirty bin for the teachers to disinfect prior to any other child playing with it.
Refunds will not be given for missed school, however in extreme circumstances in connection with Covid-19 we can discuss credits for future attendance on a case by case basis.
Health and Safety plans will follow the protocols set forth by:
California Department of Social Services